











Alchymist Grand Hotel and Spa, Prague.Czech Republic



酒店建筑原名为Dum U Jeziska,意为“耶稣孩童之家”,由当时捷克最著名的建筑师之一奥德瑞琦阿沃斯塔里斯(Oldrich Avostalis)管理至16世纪末期。历经五个世纪后,今天的“耶稣孩童之家”与当时的风貌仍完全相同。今日,阿尔奇米斯特酒店中保存最完好的当属入口铁门的所在部分,面向庭院的塔楼建筑尾部。


无数享誉中外的名流对它青眼有加,专程来此下榻,如捷克导演米洛斯福曼(Miloš Forman)捷克名模伊娃赫兹格瓦(Eva Herzigova)德国演员和主持人托马斯(Thomas Gottschalk)澳大利亚名模艾拉麦克弗森(Elle Macpherson)意大利歌手Giampiero Anelli Drupi……酒店虽小,但如此星光熠熠的场景,又有谁能与其争锋。

The word ”Alchymist” means someone who performs alchemy, something that the medieval European dignitaries were quite keen on. Alchemy is the prototype of the modern chemistry and a philosophical thinking of European Society before the 19th century, and to some extent, it also represents the pursuit of excellence.When you see Alchymist Grand Hotel from afar, you will feel it appropriate for such a small hotel to be placed in the oldest city corner of Prague.

The original name of hotel building is “Dum U Jeziska”, meaning ”House at the Jesus Child”. This building was under the supervision of the notable builder Oldrich Avostalis towards the end of the sixteenth century. After five centuries, ”Dum u Jeziska” still preserved its original look and the oldest preserved part is the entrance iron gate, the rear part of the structure facing the courtyard.

Hidden in such an ancient building, the hotel is essentially different from some international wellknown five star chain hotels. TUpon entering the hotel, you will feel yourself surrounded by the company of childhood neighbors, all kind and considerate people.The most attentionseeking features of the hotel are its rooms and sauna. Due to limited space, the 26 deluxe rooms and 19 suites are individually sized and shaped according to the historical character of the building. The traditional European furnishing and raised ceilings have provided their guests with a sincere Prague experience. In some rooms, if you looked up carefully, you will find the wooden beams and rare beam art, this is because the hotel building is a historical and cultural heritage protected by the government of Czech. It is worth mentioning that, almost every room has one or two differentstyled furniture, some are classical, and some are avantgarde or hippie. 

No wonder, countless renowned celebrities have paid special visits here, such as Czech director Miloš Forman, Czech supermodel Eva Herzigova, German actor and director Thomas Gottschalk, Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson, Italian singer Giampiero Anelli Drupi... Though petite in size, it continues to expand its starstudded history, and very few rivals that can do the same.



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