

Hotel Europäischer Hof Heidelberg






50年来,恩斯特弗里德里希与妻子的精耕细作已使海德堡霍夫欧洲酒店成为全德国鲜有的五星级家族酒店的杰出代表,即使在社会经济困难的时期,也没有忘记他们对于酒店业的热爱和对客人无微不至的关怀。克嗣良裘,如今,作为海德堡霍夫欧洲酒店第四代经营者,卡罗琳冯克莱舒曼(Caroline Kretschmann)已经接手酒店管理工作,她表示:“将传统和现代完美结合一直是我们家族几代人的目标。在保持酒店个性与已有经营理念的同时,为未来的挑战做好充足的准备,这是我最重要的工作之一。”


Der Europaischer Hof Heidelberg: A Family’s Centurylong Perseverance

In Germany, there are only a handful of hotels that have lasted more than a hundred years, and even rarer for those that belonged to familyrun business, and The Europaischer Hof Heidelberg is one of the rare ones. This hotel has been in operation for 150 years, but the passage of time didn‘t make her look old. Each space in the hotel exudes vitaliy and warmth. However, precious memories can be traced everywhere around the hotel, which has formed its unique historical status and distinctive elegant temperament.

Thanks to the complete refurbishment in the 1980s, the hotel has its current outlook, but the renovation did not come easy. After 18 months of arduous negotiations with the government departments, the threestage renovation plan was finally approved and started in August 1985. The highlight is the “extra storey” created as the executive floor only for receiving important guests such as visiting leaders. When the renovation ended in 1987, the entire hotel had expanded in size by about one third, but it was not achieved at the price of losing any of its precious gardens, which can be described as a perfect hotel renovation plan. Among them, Sylvia has added a lot of color to the interior decorations of the hotel with her fashion acumen.

ErnstFriedrich von Kretschmann is both the hotel owner and operator. He thinks the longevity of a luxury hotel does not just rely on purely commercial principles, but more so on the art of management based on the personality of the leader. “Guests expect us to be there, and being there still means a 6day, 70hour a week. One of the things that set us off from a chain hotel is that we look after everything down to the smallest detail and set an example to our staff.”

For the past 50 years, ErnstFriedrich and his wife’s meticulous attention to detail has made The Europaischer Hof Heidelberg an outstanding representative of Germany‘s few fivestar family hotel. Even in the difficult social economic situation, they never forgot their love of the hotel industry and the meticulous care they promised to the guests. Today, as the fourth generation of The Europaischer Hof Heidelberg operators, Caroline Kretschmann has taken over the management of the hotel. She said, “Achieving a perfect blend of the traditional and the modern has been our objective for generations. One of my key tasks lies in preparing the hotel for the challenges of the future, while maintaining its character and appreciating tried and tested concepts.”

The Europaischer Hof Heidelberg is still the first choice for many travelers arriving in Heidelberg, perhaps they are attracted by the von Kretschmann family. Many guests hope this hotel can continue operating under the management of this family. Whether you are a famous public figure or an ordinary traveler, you will feel a sense of understanding and respect from the bottom of your heart during your stay here.



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